Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.8.0 (July 1, 2016)

* Added inline option to the [intense_icon_list] shortcode for easier list creation
* Added "Video Speed" option to [intense_content_section] shortcode to allow for parallax video 
  backgrounds (only available with HTML5 videos - mp4, ogv, and webm video formats)
* Added Post Formats support for Custom Post Types
* Added Border and Border Radius options for Secondary level menu
* Added "Is Title Link", "Content Type", and "Post Link" options to the [intense_post_fields] shortcode
* Added a title_tag attribute to [intense_content_box] used to set the title html tag
* Added a missing_image attribute to [intense_custom_post] used to set a specific missing image
* Added an autoplay attribute to [intense_custom_post] and [intense_slider] used to turn on or off the 
  automatic playing of the slider on page load (Owl Carousel only)
* Added "Vertical Dropdown" as an option for the [intense_menu] shortcode - this allows for a menu 
  to show in an HTML select list. 
* Fixed an issue with the "Order By" option for displaying of Custom Post Type posts
* Fixed Tooltip opacity issue
* Fixed CSS for button shortcode to make icon properly change color on hover
* Fixed an issue preventing image SEO plugins from replacing the alt image attribute
* Fixed issue with icons not showing after saving of Intense admin options
* Fixed issue with gallery shortcode when WordPress images come from a CDN
* Fixed testimonial fields in Post Fields shortcode

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.9 (May 31, 2016)

* Added link_type option to [intense_content_box] to allow for selection of what is clickable
* Fixed an issue preventing Intensity theme from installing demos
* Fixed remixer and genre order on Music single post templates
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.8 (May 26, 2016)

* Added additional animations to [intense_animated_scroll] shortcode
* Added Welcome tab to the plugin options to show documentation/support links and other information
* Added alt text for gallery images
* Fixed the post metadata showing all the same dates
* Fixed a JavaScript error with the [intense_image] shortcode (Adipoli effect)
* Fixed snippet dialog not populating snippet list
* Fixed the overlay shortcode hiding content below the image
* Fixed flip box on mobile with reset option off
* Improved performance loading photos, icons, and admin screens

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.7 (May 3, 2016)

* Fixed an issue with older versions of PHP for one of the templates
* Improved overall performance for admin screens

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.6 (April 26, 2016)

* Fixed a JavaScript error with the [intense_tooltip] shortcode
* Fixed an issue caused by the incorrect use of apply_filters when creating templates
* Fixed link issue and made style changes on Music single post templates
* Fixed Subtle Effect issue for Overlay shortcode
* Fixed the chart shortcode so that the text displays as the chart is appearing
* Fixed a bug with the color post options
* Removed extra padding on post list filter
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.3.7)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Improved overall performance

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.5 (April 15, 2016)

* Added link around subtle effect title in [intense_image] shortcode
* Fixed effeckt and subtle hover animations and styles for the [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Fixed JavaScript compatibility issues with WordPress 4.5 
* Fixed class name on Round Split Shadow divider

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.4 (April 1, 2016)

* Fixed typo in intense_get_contrast_color function name 
* Fixed many data validation issues where dynamic data was not properly escaped

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.3 (March 22, 2016)

* Added "box-sizing:border-box;" style to Subtle Effects to correct a layout issue
* Fixed is_rtl() error found when Intense is used with latest Revolution Slider version
* Fixed skin settings page reloading after settings are added, customized or removed
* Fixed an issue with migrations running on new installations
* Refactored code to remove use of global variables

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.1 (March 10, 2016)

* Added support for Easy Digital Downloads
* Added Lyric and Disc Title fields to Music CPT and updated single post templates
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.3.4)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Fixed an issue with the custom post shortcode when used inside of a WooCommerce
  product description
* Fixed Music and Events single post templates
* Fixed alignment of image on Team single post template

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.7.0 (February 20, 2016)

* Added async JavaScript loading to improve page load times
* Added Menu Items custom post type and associated shortcode - [intense_menu_items] 
  For example, this can be used for a restaurant menu.
* Added one, two, three, and four column templates for [intense_menu_items] shortcode
* Added ability to change delimiter for [intense_table] shortcode where source is set to 'manual'
* Added two new one column templates for posts
* Added "Image Flip" template to the [intense_post_media] shortcode
* Added "Order" and "Order By" options to [intense_faq] shortcode
* Added Price/Cost field to Project custom post type
* Added Show Gutter option to post related shortcodes for use with certain templates
* Added Social Icons to some Team post type templates
* Added Instagram and Youtube options to Team post type
* Added options to control the mobile menu colors for the [intense_menu] shortcode
* Added [intense_sticky] shortcode used to 'stick' an element within its parent while scrolling
* Added "Zoom In" background image mode to the [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Added "Letter Spacing" option to [intense_heading] shortcode
* Added support for Google Drive files to show in the [intense_google_docs_viewer] shortcode
* Added "Blank" template content option to post related shortcodes
* Added additional overlay options to [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Added attribute labels to shortcode dialogs for easier editing of existing shortcodes
* Added "Solid Fade" animation to [intense_tabs] and [intense_flip_box] shortcodes
* Added single post templates for Coupons CPT and Menu Items CPT
* Added format options to [intense_date] shortcode for displaying of Day, Month, and/or Year
* Added swaying and ticking animations to the [intense_animated] shortcode
* Added HTML lightbox options to [intense_button] shortcode
* Added intense_cache_folder and intense_cache_url filters to control the cache folder and url
* Updated translation files
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Moved smooth scroll JavaScript for the [intense_button] shortcode to the bottom of the page
* Changed theme/child theme search paths for icons, templates, skins and snippets. New paths are
  intense/icons, intense/templates, intense/skins and intense/snippets. Legacy paths still work.
* Fixed missing image not showing on post shortcode templates
* Fixed duplicate text for [intense_menu] shortcode when menu is missing
* Fixed issue with the global page/post being altered by the [intense_recent_posts] shortcode
* Fixed Adipoli hover effect in the [intense_image] shortcode
* Fixed Effeckt hover color and opacity where image template is used with Post Media shortcode
* Fixed ability to override lazy loading of images, videos, gallery, etc.
* Fixed [intense_overlay] shortcode so that the "alt" text is added to the image
* Fixed the "Show Gutter" option on post related shortcode templates
* Fixed 40 pixel left margin issue on [intense_parallax_scene] shortcode
* Fixed an issue with an image having a space between it and its shadow
* Fixed the shared template for post titles so they will show titles with HTML
* Fixed PHP 7 compatibility issues

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.6.2 (Decembor 02, 2015)

* Added "Show Featured Media" option to show or hide the Featured Media metabox
* Added "Revisions" support to all Custom Post Types included with Intense
* Added title and content color options to [intense_faq] shortcode
* Added the ability to insert the [intense_snippet] shortcode directly from the snippet dialog
* Improved clicking of buttons/links within the [intense_flip_box] shortcode
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (
* Fixed show_total_count attribute for post related shortcodes
* Fixed an issue in finding photo source image sizes caused by a conflict
* Fixed charts so that empty tooltips do not show
* Fixed errors on [intense_custom_post] shortcode dialog when loading Taxonomy and Categories
* Removed weather, cloud, and panoramio layers from [intense_map] shortcode as
  these were dropped from Google Maps on June 4th, 2015.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.6.1 (October 27, 2015)

* Added the ability to show content based on role with the [intense_members] shortcode
* Fixed broken stack icons
* Fixed an issue with certain anchor links causing problems with tab switching
* Fixed permalink issue caused by change in searching for single post templates

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.6.0 (October 16, 2015)

* Improved performance locating WordPress photos
* Fixed Post Fields shortcode dialog box
* Fixed a layout issue with the masonry template when no featured image is selected
* Fixed issue with Visual Composer 4.7.4 preventing shortcodes from showing in dialog
* Fixed compatibility issues with Device Mockups plugin version 1.5.2
* Fixed issue with video backgrounds in [intense_content_section] and [intense_fullscreen_video]
* Added lazy loading to [intense_image], [intense_gallery], [intense_content_section], 
  and [intense_video] shortcodes
* Added new facebook page, ads, gallery, snippet, template, social icon, and twitter widgets
* Added image effects to Recent Post templates
* Added [intense_date] shortcode to allow for displaying of a date in different formats
* Added Post Type dropdown to Recent Posts shortcode to allow selection of custom post types
* Added CPT and icon options to Map/Map Marker shortcode
* Added post_featured option to source attribute for [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Added vertical align option to the [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.5.7)
* Replaced deprecated Facebook user_groups permission with user_managed_groups

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.9 (August 22, 2015)

* Added ability to change tooltip text on pie, donut, and polar area chart types
* Updated TGM Plugin Activation plugin to latest version (2.5.2)
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to version 5.3.0
* Improved integration with Beaver Builder plugin
* Fixed user roles check issue for new installations prior to saving settings
* Fixed Visual Composer mapping for [intense_parallax_scene] and [intense_icon_list] shortcodes
* Fixed errors with PHP versions older than 5.3.0
* Fixed issues with saving posts and pages
* Fixed activation issues

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.8 (August 6, 2015)

* Added [intense_widget] shortcode allowing for widgets or sidebars to be
  added to pages and posts
* Added templates for [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Added mode (vertical, horizontal, side-by-side, over-and-under) options
  to [intense_image_compare] shortcode
* Added option for [intense_image_compare] shortcode to follow mouse
* Added ability to hide handle from [intense_image_compare] shortcode
* Added initial integration with Beaver Builder plugin
* Added additional two column templates for post related shortcodes
* Added attribute to [intense_heading] shortcode to responsively change the font size
* Added attribute to post related shortcodes to only show the first image
* Added author support for all custom post types
* Added check for empty user roles to prevent possible array_key_exists warnings
* Changed activation reminder to only show for users that can install or activate plugins
* Updated several JavaScript libraries
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to version 5.2.8
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Fixed an issue excluding specific categories in post related shortcodes
* Fixed a minor styling issue with the boxed testimonial template
* Fixed warning message on [intense_heading] shortcode dialog
* Fixed single post template post option missing saved template titles
* Fixed an error on the Music CPT single post templates
* Fixed [intense_pages] shortcode dialog issue with template link attribute
* Fixed "Not Post ID" field in recent post shortcode so that it accepts comma separated ID's

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.7 (June 29, 2015)

* Added icon color attribute to [intense_collapsible] shortcode
* Added template_link attribute to control image and title links for post related shortcodes
* Added ability to pass arguments to templates
* Added template for [intense_metadata] shortcode that shows the text with a separator
* Added template previews in shortcode dialogs
* Added two column template for post related shortcodes with text on the right or left of image
* Enhanced collapsible link items to allow for clicking collapse icon or title
* Refactored all custom post related template files
* Minor clarification of activation instructions
* Updated prettyPhoto to correct XSS vulnerability
* Fixed font flickering in Safari caused by Owl Carousel and Flexslider
* Fixed margin on [intense_gallery] images with no_link attribute set
* Fixed an encoding issue with [intense_table] shortcode using CSV files
* Fixed an issue creating dynamic shortcode CSS files with 0 bytes
* Fixed an issue saving skin settings for shortcodes with spaces in their names
* Fixed [intense_metadata] shortcode RTL template handling
* Fixed a masonry and slider layout issue for post related shortcodes
* Fixed an issue for WordPress photos that are coming from a CDN

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.6 (May 15, 2015)

* Fixed potential fatal error for PHP versions older than 5.5

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.5 (May 14, 2015)

* Added [intense_panel] shortcode
* Added [intense_overlay] shortcode
* Added [intense_animated_scroll] shortcode
* Added autoheight attribute to Owl Carousel slider
* Added padding attributes to [intense_heading] shortcode
* Added class attribute to [intense_column] shortcode
* Added tag attribute to [intense_emphasis] shortcode
* Added shortcode add code fallback for older versions of PHP
* Added option to show lost password link for [intense_login_form] shortcode
* Added 312 color SVG icons in Flat Color Icons pack by Icons8
* Added Google Font family choices to [intense_heading] shortcode
* Added options to control all predefined icons
* Added hover border and margin attributes to [intense_menu] shortcode
* Added zigzag-small divider type
* Added box_shadow attribute to [intense_alert] shortcode
* Added no_link attribute to [intense_gallery] shortcode to turn on/off the image link
* Added is_draggable attribute to [intense_map] shortcode to turn off draggable (for mobile)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Updated TGM Plugin Activation plugin to latest version (2.4.2)
* Updated Galleria library
* Replaced RTL option with built-in WordPress is_rtl function
* Refactored custom post types to be more modularized
* Fixed icon selection in [intense_tabs] shortcode dialog
* Fixed dynamic image resizing for certain multilingual sites
* Fixed WordPress SVG images for several shortcodes
* Fixed [intense_flip_box] shortcode on devices with both mouse and touch events
* Fixed [intense_gallery] shortcode issue with NONE sort order causing invalid missing images
* Fixed Reddit icon for [intense_social_share] shortcode
* Removed previous/next buttons when post_count attribute is used in post related shortcodes
* Removed unnecessary font from [intense_testimonials] shortcode CSS
* Removed default border radius CSS for [intense_button] shortcode

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.4 (April 2, 2015)

* Added option to show/hide unauthenticated message for [intense_members] shortcode
* Added [intense_login_form] shortcode
* Added option to hide admin bar by role
* Added vertical/horizontal option to [intense_parallax_scene_layer] to allow locking
  of scene movement direction
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to version 5.2.2
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.5.0)
* Fixed [intense_pricing_section] shortcode border radius attribute
* Fixed an issue with WP_Query calls in several shortcodes which conflicted with other plugins

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.3 (March 27, 2015)

* Added ability to turn off mouse and touch drag for Owl Carousel slider
* Added [intense_responsive_utility] shortcode which is used to hide or show content responsively
* Fixed a PHP version conflict in the [intense_gallery] shortcode

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.2 (March 25, 2015)

* Added option to turn off example snippets and rearranged options
* Added colored accent mark attributes to [intense_hr] shortcode
* Added option to post and recent post shortcodes to allow selection of Excerpt, Content,
  or Full Post to be displayed on templates
* Added option to post shortcodes to allow setting of excerpt/content length for templates
* Added the ability to use templates with [intense_metadata] shortcode
* Added type attribute to [intense_spacer] shortcode allowing for inline spacing
* Added a missing image fallback for [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Added hide option to [intense_column] to allow columns to be hidden for different device sizes
* Added rgba color picker field to Advanced Custom Fields
* Added span to allow for easier CSS control of content box title (only for icon position of "inside")
* Reduced memory usage by ~10%
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.0)
* Fixed [intense_post_media] shortcode warning for posts without images
* Fixed paging issue with snippet lists
* Fixed [intense_button] hover color when using the 'link' color
* Fixed [intense_google_docs_viewer] when used with HTTPS
* Fixed icon centering for [intense_content_box] shortcode
* Fixed tabs JavaScript conflict with WooCommerce tabs
* Removed extraneous top/bottom location fields for [intense_content_section] dividers

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.1 (February 12, 2015)

* Added [intense_divider] shortcode
* Added top and bottom divider options to [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Added option to register Intense image sizes with WordPress
* Fixed shortcode CSS option migration
* Fixed [intense_content_box] icon size issue when inside of [intense_collapsibles]

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.5.0 (February 11, 2015)

* Added [intense_flip_box] and [intense_flip_box_item] shortcodes
* Added Music custom post type and associated shortcodes - [intense_music] and [intense_recent_music]
* Added a solid flip animation to the tabs/flip box shortcodes
* Added ability to switch tabs on mouseenter as well as click for [intense_tabs] shortcode
* Added Spotify social option to person shortcode
* Added image_horizontal_position option to [intense_content_section] and
  [intense_parallax_scene] shortcodes
* Added compatibility to [intense_menu] for Ubermenu and Max Mega Menu
* Added margin and padding attributes to [intense_alert] shortcode
* Added a class attribute to the [intense_tabs] shortcode
* Added multiple date options to Order By dropdown for Custom Post Type shortcode(s)
* Added migration to fix broken featured image migration
* Added on demand image sizing and removed add_image_size calls
* Added the ability to send data through the [intense_template] shortcode to the template
* Added width, padding, and margin options to [intense_content_box] shortcode
* Added autoplay options to [intense_tabs] shortcode
* Added title option to [intense_icon] shortcode
* Added Product URL to Project custom post type
* Fixed shortcode CSS options not working
* Fixed templates to use get_excerpt or intense_excerpt rather than get_content or intense_content
* Fixed missing JavaScript functions for CSS/JS/HTML option in [intense_code] shortcode dialog
* Fixed [intense_post_media] shortcode order for checking attributes
* Fixed [intense_project] shortcode dialog loading issue
* Fixed icon position for shortcode buttons in Visual Composer version 4.4.2

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.4.1 (January 21, 2015)

* Added option to allow user to show/hide the Post Options metabox on Post pages
* Fixed menu CSS selector issue preventing menu styling
* Fixed a PHP version issue with the [intense_post_media] shortcode image template
* Fixed Subtle effect for [intense_image] and [intense_gallery] shortcodes
* Updated TGM-Plugin-Activation (tgmpa) to fix conflict with some themes that also include tgmpa

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.4.0 (January 20, 2015)

* Added scroll left/right/up/down types to [intense_animated_image] shortcode
* Added rich snippet code to Event, Recipe, and Team single post templates
* Added ACF Gallery add-on for ACF
* Added [intense_device_mockups] shortcode which allows you to create a mobile
  device, tablet, or browser mockup
* Added support for WooCommerce single page templates
* Added show add-to-cart button option to [intense_custom_post] shortcode for WooCommerce
* Added [intense_post_media] shortcode to be used to show post media
* Added templates for [intense_post_media] shortcode
* Added "rel" attribute for several shortcode links
* Added align option to [intense_button] shortcode
* Added the ability to turn off the mobile responsive horizontal menu
* Added option for default featured image and video types
* Added text transform attribute to [intense_button] shortcode
* Added text transform attribute to [intense_heading] shortcode
* Added options to show/hide Shortcodes/Snippets buttons by user role
* Added "Featured" Tab to options
* Added change which allows for multi-level shortcodes via code
* Added attribute to [intense_custom_post] shortcode allowing use of current wp_query
* Added tumblr buttons for social share shortcode
* Added two testimony templates to be used with testimonials
* Added two templates to Team CPT
* Added styles for secondary level of option headings
* Added missing include for is_plugin_active check
* Added option to [intense_gallery] shortcode for a different sized first image
* Added ability to create links that can switch tabs
* Added CSS/JavaScript/HTML type options to [intense_code] shortcode which outputs raw code to the page
* Reworked [intense_hr] shortcode horizontal CSS and added margin_top & margin_bottom attributes
* Enabled prev/back arrows on touchTouch lightbox for mobile devices
* Updated SmugMug to work with new API changes
* Updated Team CPT templates to use image shortcode for member photo
* Updated [intense_collapsibles] CSS to remove background color of white
* Updated Owl Carousel files to fix fade transition issue in Chrome
* Fixed issue with gallery images not showing in IE9
* Fixed an issue with the default skin setting not being set properly
* Fixed issue with individual tab using the skin values
* Fixed issue with testimonials shortcode not showing correct testimonials
* Fixed animation issues with some of the animations that start hidden
* Fixed WooCommerce so that multiple item templates will show correctly
* Fixed issues with Subtle image effects
* Fixed the icon layout of the [intense_hr] shortcode
* Fixed [intense_promo_box] shortcode button color attribute
* Fixed ajax fields on dialogs for recent post shortcodes and project shortcode
* Fixed extra spacing below [intense_image] when using shadows
* Removed Intense and Intense Multisite options links from admin bar
* Removed Intense Multisite settings from network admin menu
* Removed [intense_hover_box] light box shadow
* Removed MultiPostThumbnails plugin and migrated Featured Images to ACF Gallery

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.3.2 (November 26, 2014)

* Added hover color, hover font, font size, and border attributes to [intense_button] shortcode.
* Added opacity colors to Intense color options
* Added bezier curve and show point dots options to [intense_chart] shortcode
* Added image align attribute
* Added the ability to disable the [intense_gallery] shortcode animations
* Added multisite support for product license information
* Added "Buy Tickets Link" option to Events CPT
* Updated subtle hover effects to be responsive
* Fixed animations to be buttery smooth
* Fixed Visual Composer icon field type map
* Fixed icon size issue with icons that don't have parent with .intense CSS class
* Fixed skins when no skin is defined by the database, theme or child theme
* Fixed [intense_gallery] shortcode preview
* Fixed [intense_gallery] shortcode border_radius attribute for non-standard gallery types

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.3.1 (November 5, 2014)

* Added border and box shadow options to [intense_image] shortcode
* Added support for Vevo videos to [intense_video] shortcode
* Added tooltip option to [intense_charts] shortcode
* Added post_type attribute to [intense_subpages] and [intense_siblings] shortcodes
* Added 15 additional "subtle" hover effects to [intense_image] and [intense_gallery] shortcodes
* Added "One Column w/ Comment Lightbox" and "One Column Title List" templates to posts
* Updated Chart.js library
* Updated deviantArt's OAuth2 authorization and token URL's
* Fixed Facebook photo source issue with certain versions of PHP
* Fixed [intense_gallery] preview issue
* Fixed Galleria gallery layout
* Fixed v.2.0.0 migration file

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.3.0 (October 24, 2014)

* Added support for unlimited SVG icons
* Added 4,935 default icons plus the ability to add your own
* Added video control button options to [intense_content_section] shortcode for video
  backgrounds - Thank you Ted Barnett of Contemplate Design, LLC for your contribution
* Added id and class attributes to all the shortcodes
* Added help button to shortcode dialogs
* Added "subtle" hover effect to [intense_image] and [intense_gallery] shortcodes
* Added "Menu Order" to Order By option list for post and custom post shortcodes
* Added alert close memory so you can set how long to wait before showing the alert again
* Added theme, playlist, user, search, loop, autoplay, show_badge, show_byline,
  show_portrait, and show_title to [intense_video] shortcode
* Added ability to turn on/off registering of Intense image sizes
* Added ability to turn on/off featured images, audio, color, image options, and video
* Added pricing table left/right align standard templates
* Added plugin icons for WP 4.0
* Added activation reminder notifications
* Added permalink lookup for numeric lighbox url values
* Added option to allow user to turn off the inclusion of the Redux Framework plugin. Admin options
  will not work unless this option is ON or the Redux Framework plugin is installed and activated.
* Fixed position of blockquote dash for the right aligned quotes
* Fixed the missing title in the four_text team member template
* Fixed the "Missing Image" default setting
* Fixed Adipoli for images that were resized
* Fixed missing video-js asset
* Fixed chart dialog toggling of unavailable fields for certain chart types
* Updated Font Awesome icons
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Redesigned shortcode dialog including reordering of items to make them easier to find
* Refactored shortcodes for performance
* Removed jQuery.noConflict()

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.2.1 (August 22, 2014)

* Added alternate_size attribute to [intense_gallery] shortcode for the masonry layout
* Added size option to social share shortcode for use with Font Awesome icons
* Added Location Name, Location Address, Company Name, Company Address and Quantity fields to the
  Project custom post type
* Updated Redux Options Framework
* Moved plugin options under Settings -> Intense
* Fixed an issue with showing posts/custom posts by tags or post format instead of category
* Fixed a backwards compatibility bug with tabs
* Fixed Visual Composer 4.3.1+ compatibility issues

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.2.0 (August 12, 2014)

* Added plugin autoupdate
* Added shortcode skins
* Added masonry responsive size options
* Added Pages and Recent Pages shortcodes to display pages (similar to posts)
* Added Featured Color page/post option (updated post fields shortcode also) and fixed old tab code
* Added background_image_position to [intense_content_section] when using full background images
* Added "Hide shortcodes in Visual Composer" option to hide Intense shortcodes in Visual Composer
* Added "Expand All" option to [intense_faq] shortcode
* Added "ID" option to [intense_slider] shortcode
* Added "Trigger Client ID" and "Reset" options to [intense_animated] shortcode
* Added Tags taxonomy for all custom post types (aside from Templates and Snippets)
* Added "Background Image Size" option to [intense_promo_box] shortcode
* Added "Include Post IDs" option for Custom Post Type shortcodes
* Added Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Youtube to [intense_person] shortcode
* Added Email, Reddit, and Tumblr social links to [intense_social_share] shortcode
* Added Font-Awesome icon as a selection for [intense_social_share] shortcode
* Added snippet for landing page
* Changed global $page to $intense_active_page for [intense_siblings] and [intense_subpages] shortcodes
* Updated Redux Options Framework
* Updated ACF and ACF WYSIWYG to most recent versions
* Updated Facebook photo source to use Facebook Open Graph v2.0
* Fixed border field for Visual Composer mappings
* Fixed gallery columns layout
* Fixed active tab color option
* Fixed collapsible expand/collapse issue with non-active collapsibles on load
* Fixed rendering of templates issue
* Fixed Permalink on Post Fields shortcode
* Fixed custom post shortcodes using Infinite Scroll with a post that has a Featured Video
* Disabled image tooltip when using Galleria for the [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Removed Presets for shortcodes (can be accomplished with skins)
* Removed float:none CSS for custom post templates
* Removed isotope from assets

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.1.0 (July 9, 2014)

* Added navigation option to content section shortcode
* Added ability to set custom post type singular and plural names in plugin options
* Added the ability to template the siblings and subpages
* Added 'show_related' attribute for YouTube videos
* Added active tab background color and active tab font color options to tab shortcode
* Added the ability to change the filter all text using a shortcode attribute
* Added "Read More" options to custom post shortcodes and recent post shortcodes
* Added ability to scroll tab into view using a JavaScript function
* Added permalink option to Post Fields shortcode
* Added Templates custom post type and Post Fields shortcode documentation
* Updated gallery masonry layout to use masonry shortcode instead of Freewall
* Updated phpFlickr library
* Changed button hover 3D margins to better simulate a 3D effect
* Fixed Visual Composer mapping issues with specific shortcodes
* Fixed tab sizing when they contain collapsibles
* Fixed button hover 3D size when set to 0
* Fixed custom post/blog/portfolio/etc. paging issue on home page
* Fixed TouchTouch so it will work with multiple galleries on the same page
* Fixed icon alignment for content box shortcode when icons are set to 4 or 5
* Fixed issue with maps inside collapsibles not loading properly when they start out collapsed
* Fixed MixItUp filtering of post lists that were created with the templates custom post type
* Fixed post templates for custom post types that are not from Intense
* Fixed URLs in the dynamic CSS file to work with both HTTP and HTTPS
* Fixed a conflict with Intense and MemberPress causing icons not to show in the admin dialogs
* Fixed mqtranslate issue with shortcode insert

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.0.1 (June 28, 2014)

* Added error message when using interdependent shortcodes and one is disabled.
* Added permalink rebuilding when plugin is activated, updated, or options are saved.
* Added ability to toggle the Custom Fields admin menu item.
* Added progress shortcode animation tick speed attribute. This attribute controls the
  animation speed.
* Changed permalink structure for custom post types dropping the -items text.
* Changed logic used to check for https when creating URLs.
* Fixed client custom post type single post template.
* Fixed Visual Composer z-index issue for adding shortcodes using dialog text areas.
* Fixed single post template options to show files and template custom post type posts.
* Fixed PHP 5.2 compatibility issues.
* Fixed video shortcode to calculate height so videos display properly on pages and in templates
* Created a workaround for Visual Composer containers that can contain any children.
* Removed tgmpa check for Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.0.0 (June 15, 2014)

* Complete rewrite of the shortcode dialog popup:
  Save presets for the shortcodes you use most
  Preview the shortcode to see what it will look like before inserting it
* Added many new shortcodes:
* Added 14 new custom post types and associated shortcodes:
  Books - [intense_books] and [intense_recent_books]
  Clients - [intense_clients] and [intense_recent_clients]
  Coupons - [intense_coupons] and [intense_recent_coupons]
  Events - [intense_events] and [intense_recent_events]
  Jobs - [intense_jobs] and [intense_recent_jobs]
  Locations - [intense_locations] and [intense_recent_locations]
  Movies - [intense_movies] and [intense_recent_movies]
  News - [intense_news] and [intense_recent_news]
  Quotes - [intense_quotes] and [intense_recent_quotes]
  Recipes - [intense_recipes] and [intense_recent_recipes]
  Snippets - [intense_snippet]
  Team - [intense_team] and [intense_recent_team]
  Templates - [intense_template]
  Testimonials - [intense_testimonials] and [intense_recent_testimonials]
* Added single post templates for each of the new custom post types
* Added Redux Framework for admin options
* Added Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to handle metabox fields
* Added Owl Carousel slider
* Added Live preview option for posts and pages
* Added ability to template and select custom post type single page templates
* Added 81 new animations
* Animation CSS files are all individual files, and are included only with the animation
* Added Featured Video and Featured Audio options to post/page
* Added background opacity option for [intense_content_box] shortcode
* Added exclude_categories and exclude_post_ids options to post shortcodes
* Added show tooltip option to [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Added border, icon, and color options to [intense_collapsibles] shortcode:
* Added image overlay, gradient overlay (linear or radial), and advance arrow options for [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Added hover brightness, hover 3d size, title, and padding attributes to [intense_button] shortcode
* Added Freewall layout for Masonry
* Added Screenr option to [intense_video] shortcode
* Added CSV option to [intense_table] shortcode
* Added author name and author link URL to [intense_blockquote] shortcode
* Added doubledotted, doubledashed and image additional HR types
* Added 'basic' slider type
* Added speed and pause_on_hover options to slider and testimony
* Added post_count option to post shortcodes to limit returned posts
* Added show_meta and show_author to post shortcodes
* Added active shortcodes option to allow for enabling/disabling of shortcodes
* Added border_top and border_bottom options to [intense_content_section] shortcode
* Added clear attribute to [intense_spacer] shortcode to clear floats
* Updated [intense_map] shortcode to include marker shadow and shadow anchor options
* Updated tooltip/popover to use qtip
* Updated [intense_content_section] to allow for Youtube and Vimeo video backgrounds
* Fixed gallery animation and layout bugs
* Fixed infinite scroll on post shortcodes
* Removed the use of SMOF for admin options (Redux Framework will be used)
* Removed MetaBox plugin (ACF will be used)
* Refactoring of code allows for auto Visual Composer mapping of elements

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.8.2 (May 1, 2014)

* Fixed issue with TinyMCE used outside of standard post/page for WordPress version 3.9.
* Fixed responsiveness of two, three, and four column custom post type templates.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.8.1 (April 18, 2014)

* Fixed Intense Shortcodes menu in tinyMCE editor for WordPress version 3.9.
* Fixed tab shortocode sizing issue on page load.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.8.0 (March 5, 2014)

* Added ability to select any user for Instagram photos.
* Added checks to OAuth calls to only handle requests for Intense.
* Added detailed documentation for various photo sources.
* Fixed performance issue with site slowness due to a large number of pages.
* Fixed issue with editor dropdown when toolbar element didn't exist.
* Fixed script key conflicts for several script resources.
* Fixed issue with tinymce CSS breaking WooCommerce functionality.
* Removed filters from [intense_gallery] to resolve compatibility
  issues with certain themes.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.7.2 (January 16, 2014)

* Added animation and image_size options to [intense_blog], [intense_custom_post],
  [intense_portfolio], and [intense_project] shortcodes.
* Added authors option to [intense_custom_post] shortcode.
* Added custom image option to [intense_content_box] and [intense_icon_list]
* Added cycle-up, cycle-left, cycle-right, and cycle-down animations to
  [intense_tab] shortcode.
* Added height_adjustment option to [intense_content_section] shortcode.
  This option subtracts a number of pixels from the computed full height.
* Moved modernizr js to head.
* Fixed issue with [intense_timeline] shortcode not displaying single images.
* Fixed issue with typography dialog boxes not inserting shortcode.
* Fixed issue with slider CSS that caused lists to not display bullets.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.7.1 (December 17, 2013)

* Added width and border color options to [intense_blockquote] shortcode.
  The width option allows for pullquote functionality.
* Added external link and target options to [intense_collapse] shortcode.
* Added new image size options easily allowing for custom image sizes.
* Added shortcode examples from the demo site to the documentation.
* Added 'none' tab transition option.
* Added max-width shadow image setting for better theme compatibility.
* Moved effeckt styles to individual CSS files.
* Fixed issues with clicking on links within tabs.
* Fixed theme compatibility styling issues with flexslider.
* Fixed missing shortcode drop down in text edit when qtranslate is enabled.
* Fixed Galleria bug caused by a theme conflict.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.7.0 (December 3, 2013)

* Added Project custom post type and associated shortcodes:
  [intense_project] and [intense_recent_projects].
* Added dynamic CSS file creation for shortcode styles.
* Added mobile fallback for fixed and parallax content section backgrounds.
* Added background and font color attributes to [intense_tab_pane] shortcode.
* Updated [intense_row] and [intense_column] shortcodes to use Twitter
  Bootstrap 3.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.6 Minor Release (November 25, 2013)

* Added supersized_position attribute to [intense_gallery] shortcode.
* Changed Font Awesome enqueue to resolve conflict with themes or plugins
  that include a different version of Font Awesome.
* Fixed line break issues in post/portfolio templates files.
* Fixed issue with [intense_gallery] shortcode missing popover JavaScript.
* Fixed social icon name issue for case sensitive hosting environments.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.5 Minor Release (November 20, 2013)

* Fixed potential issue with two Modernizr files being included on one page.
* Re-added Twitter Bootstrap JavaScript file for tabs on dialog boxes.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.4 Minor Release (November 14, 2013)

* Added video_size attribute to the [intense_video] shortcode.
* Added single toggle option to [intense_collapsibles] and [intense_faq].
* Fixed full_height [intense_content_section] shortcode attribute for content
  sections with content that is taller than the window height.
* Fixed Facebook photo source to allow for apostrophe in album or page name.
* Fixed Facebook photo source OAuth handler to request proper permissions.
* Fixed [intense_tab] shortcode theme compatibility issue with Twitter Bootstrap.
* Replaced all-in-one Twitter Bootstrap JavaScript file with individual files.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.3 (November 5, 2013)

* Added new [intense_spacer] shortcode used to add horizontal space between items.
* Added Visual Composer integration for [intense_spacer].
* Added TED and College Humor as video types for [intense_video] shortcode.
* Added color option for ruler on [intense_hr] shortcode.
* Changed thumbnail rebuild plugin suggestion to 'Regenerate Thumbnails' plugin.
* Fixed HR direction attribute dialog bug.
* Fixed issues with IE8/Firefox not hiding inactive tabs.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.2 (October 30, 2013)

* Added new responsive [intense_video] shortcode used to show videos
  from WordPress, YouTube, Vimeo,, Flickr,, Hulu, Qik, Revision3, Viddler,
* Added Visual Composer integration for [intense_video].
* Added 8 completely new tab transition animations to [intense_tab] shortcode.
* Added vertical direction option to [intense_hr] shortcode.
* Added check to ensure Visual Composer defines vc_map function.
* Removed 'Intense' wording from Intense Visual Composer shortcode titles.
* Replaced bootstrap javascript for [intense_collapsibles].
* Sorted Intense Visual Composer shortcode titles so they are easier to find.
* Fixed timeline infinite scroll to prevent duplicate year display.
* Fixed timeline infinite scroll loading indicator for dual layout.
* Fixed content section dialog breakout checkbox to add correct value.
* Fixed padding issues when no shadow was selected for a number of shortcodes.
* Fixed [intense_tab] styling and display issues.
* Fixed parallax scrolling on mobile devices.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.1 (October 23, 2013)

* Added infinite_scroll option to [intense_custom_post], [intense_blog], and
  [intense_portfolio]. Infinite scroll works on all post templates
  and timeline layouts.
* Added order_by option to [intense_custom_post], [intense_blog], and
* Added Visual Composer integration for: [intense_image] and [intense_promo_box].
* Added inline option to [intense_code].
* Fixed misnamed 'icon_color' [intense_content_box] attribute. Attribute was
  improperly being set to 'color' in dialogs.
* Fixed parallax image - forced to not breakout of containing div.
  This was causing the image to float left.
* Fixed Vimeo video for fullscreen videos.
* Fixed [intense_content_section] breakout by removing 100% width.
* Updated meta-box plugin to 4.3.6

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.6.0 (October 17, 2013)

* Added [intense_counter] shortcode.
* Added video background option to [intense_content_section].
* Added Full Height option to [intense_content_section].
  The content section will be automatically sized to the window height.
* Added Advance Button options to [intense_content_section]
  A button will show that allows users to advance to another part of the page.
* Added Visual Composer integration for:
  [intense_recent_posts], and [intense_recent_portfolios]
* Added fixed image type to [intense_image] shortcode.
* Updated parallax technique for [intense_content_section] and [intense_image].
  This change adds easing to the effect and makes the parallax more robust.
* Fixed shadow image width issue.
* Fixed case-sensitive file/folder issues for case-sensitive web servers.
* Optimized documentation images for smaller package file.
* Removed unused subtle patterns options code.
  This code caused compatibility issues with the Alterna theme.
* Trimmed down Modernizr checks.
  This was adding extra classes that were causing style issues on some themes

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.5.1 Minor Release (October 14, 2013)

* Added link to recent posts and portfolio featured image.
* Fixed misnamed 'scroll_percent' [intense_animated] attribute. Attribute was
  improperly being set to 'scroll_percentage' in dialogs and Visual Composer.
* Fixed plugin options conflict with other themes/plugins using SMOF.
* Fixed additional session issues on login/logout.
* Removed theme support requirement for SuperSized gallery and fullscreen video.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.5.0 (October 10, 2013)

* Added Visual Composer integration for:
  [intense_hr], [intense_progress], [intense_tooltip], and [intense_popover]
* Added Right-to-left (RTL) language support including plugin option.
* Added ability to translate Intense into other languages.
* Added background color option to:
  [intense_blockquote], [intense_code], and [intense_dropcap]
* Added font color option to:
  [intense_blockquote], [intense_code], [intense_dropcap], [intense_lead],
  and [intense_tooltip]
* Added text animation to the [intense_progress] shortcode. This option
  allows for any part of the text to be replaced with the percent as the
  progress bar is animated.
* Added ability to set multiple custom social icons/links to the
  [intense_person] shortcode.
* Added ability to set a custom social icon for the [intense_social_icon] shortcode
* Fixed mobile layout bug with [intense_row] and [intense_column] shortcodes.
* Fixed issue with ending a session that has already been ended by the theme or
  some other plugin.
* Updated meta-box to custom build to fix a compatibility issues with other

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.4.0 (October 4, 2013)

* Added initial Visual Composer integration. Integrated shortcodes include:
  - [intense_alert]
  - [intense_animated]
  - [intense_badge]
  - [intense_blockquote]
  - [intense_button]
  - [intense_code]
  - [intense_content_section]
  - [intense_dropcap]
  - [intense_emphasis]
  - [intense_fullscreen_video]
  - [intense_highlight]
  - [intense_icon]
  - [intense_label]
  - [intense_lead]
  - All other shortcodes can be added using Visual Composer's "Text Block"
    and the Intense Visions shortcode dialogs.
* Fixed plugin options conflict with theme options.
* Fixed scrollbars on FAQ page when using filter.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.3.0 (October 2, 2013)

* Added shortcode templates for [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio],
  [intense_custom_post], and [intense_person] shortcodes. This allows you
  to override the default layout of the shortcodes.
* Added border_radius attribute to [intense_badge], [intense_label],
  [intense_progress], [intense_alert], [intense_promo], [intense_blockquote],
  [intense_content_box], [intense_image], [intense_gallery], [intense_person],
  [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio], [intense_recent_posts], and
  [intense_timeline_event] shortcodes. This allows you to round the corners.
* Added 'delay' trigger and delay attribute to [intense_animated] shortcode.
  The trigger will animate items after so many milliseconds from page loads.
  The attribute will delay the animation until after the given milliseconds.
* Added example content to the documentation for pages found in demo site.
* Fixed [intense_icon] issues due to conflicts with other theme icons.
* Fixed image width issues with image only post layouts and featured posts.
  The featured posts images didn't align with the other images.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.2.1 Minor Release (September 26, 2013)

* Added 'featured' attribute to [intense_timeline_event] shortcode.
  Featured events will span the width of the timeline.
* Added 'sticky_mode' attribute to [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio],
  and [intense_custom_post]. There are three sticky modes: top, inline,
  and ignore.

  - Top will show the sticky posts at the top of the list of posts.
  - Inline shows posts in their regular order but with layout that will
    make the post stand out (ex. featured timeline posts).
  - Ignore will disregard sticky settings.

* Fixed an Internet Explorer 8 bug loading over 31 stylesheets.
  The plugin CSS is now all loaded at once.
* Fixed extra padding on [intense_content_section], [intense_blog],
  [intense_faq], [intense_portfolio], and [intense_custom_post] shortcodes.
* Fixed theme layout issues caused by [intense_timeline] CSS adding
  box-sizing to non timeline page elements.
* Fixed missing pagination styling for [intense_blog], [intense_faq],
  [intense_portfolio], and [intense_custom_post] shortcodes.
* Changed featured image title from attachment title to the post title for
  [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio], and [intense_custom_post] shortcodes.

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.2.0 (September 25, 2013)

* Added shortcode options for turning on and off the shortcode styling
  for individual shortcodes. This allows for better compatibility with themes.
* Updated shortcode CSS to be compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
  (layout and tabs remain Bootstrap 2 styling).
* Moved shortcode CSS into individual CSS files.
* Added gallery photo source options for Facebook pages and groups.
* Added PhotoSwipe gallery type. PhotoSwipe is an image lightbox which
  targets mobile devices.
* Added a content section shortcode attribute 'breakout'.
  This attribute is used to try to break outside of the content section's
  parent container.
* Added a plugin option to include the HTML5 Shiv JavaScript Library
  which provides HTML5 support in IE8 and earlier.
* Added optional 'class' shortcode attribute to the [intense_collapse]
  shortcode. This attribute adds a CSS class name.
* Added 'id' (optional), 'margin_bottom',
  and 'margin_top' shortcode attributes to the [intense_row] shortcode.
* Added social network HTML option to PrettyPhoto.
* Fixed defect in custom CSS plugin option.
* Added Custom Post Type shortcode that includes all layout options included
  with blog and portfolio.
* Added link target options to content box, image, person (for social icons),
  social, tabs, testimony, timeline, and tooltip

Intense WordPress Plugin - v1.0.1 (September 18, 2013)

* Initial Release