Intense WordPress Plugin v2.1.0 to v2.2.0

Breaking Changes

Siblings and Subpages Template Changes

The page variable used in the templates for the [intense_siblings] and [intense_subpages] shortcode has changed from $page to $intense_active_page. If you have created your own templates for these shortcodes, the variable will need to be updated accordingly.

Example Old Template
Intense Template Name: Link

global $page;

echo ' <a href="' . get_permalink( $page->ID ) . '">'  . esc_html( $page->post_title ) .'</a>';
Example New Template
Intense Template Name: Link

$intense_active_page = Intense_List_Pages_Walker::get_metadata();

echo ' <a href="' . get_permalink( $intense_active_page->ID ) . '">'  . esc_html( $intense_active_page->post_title ) .'</a>';

Facebook API Changes

Galleries that display Facebook photos have been affected by a Facebook API change. You can now only show photos for the authenticated user. If you have displayed photos for a user other than the authenticated user, you will have to change the authentication to the desired user or not show photos for that user. Additionally, you will no longer be able to display photos from a Facebook group. As part of this change, you will also be required to use PHP 5.4+ for Facebook photos.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Unfortunately these are changes in the Facebook API that can't be worked around at this time.

Intense WordPress Plugin v1.x to v2.0.0

Upgrading from version 1.x to 2.0.0 is a major update. Precautions have been taken to make the upgrade as smooth as possible. However, it is recommended that you make a backup of your WordPress database and files prior to performing the upgrade. Information about backing up your WordPress site can be found at

Plugin Options

The plugin options have all been reworked. The plugin that defines and saves options has been replaced with a more robust solution. There are a lot of positive benefits to the new solution that merited the change including: better support, a more mature product, more settings types, etc. Work has been done to automatically migrate your settings from the old method. However, it is recommended that you backup your settings before upgrading. This may be optional if you have backed up your entire site or haven't made large changes to your settings. However, it may be more convenient ot back up the settings as well.

Definitions Shortcodes

The shortcodes used for creating tabs have been simplified. Instead of three separate shortcodes, you can now create definitions using two shortcodes. The old definitions that you created in previous versions will continue to work.

Old Structure
New Structure

Tabs Shortcodes

The shortcodes used for creating tabs have been greatly simplified. Instead of four separate shortcodes, you can now create tabs using two shortcodes. One difference to note is that the id can't be manually set on each tab. Instead, the id is set on the [intense_tabs] shortcode. The individual tab ids will include the id from the [intense_tabs] shortcode with _[tab number] appended (ex. myid_0, myid_1). The old tabs that you created in previous versions will continue to work.

Old Structure
New Structure

Testimonies Shortcodes

The shortcodes used for creating testimonies have been greatly simplified. Instead of four separate shortcodes, you can now create testimonies using two shortcodes. Testimonies also allow for templating so that you can customize the layout. The old testimonies that you created in previous versions will continue to work.

Old Structure
New Structure

Tooltips and Popovers Shortcodes

The underlying code for tooltips and popovers has been replaced. The standard look isn't the same as it was in previous versions. If you have altered the CSS or styling of the tooltips and popovers, you will need to make sure they still have the desired look.

Intense WordPress Plugin v1.6.6 to v1.7.0

Breaking Changes

The [intense_layout] and [intense_column] shortcodes have been updated to use Twitter Bootstrap 3.0. This was the last remaining piece still on 2.3.2. Perhaps one of the largest changes between 2.3.2 and 3.0 include the changes to the grid system. To take advantage of the new features in 3.0, these changes have been applied to the [intense_layout] and [intense_column] shortcodes. If you have manually changed or created templates, manually used the Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 classes, or customized any of these styles, you may need to update the changes you have made to be compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.

CSS Class Changes

Bootstrap 2.x Bootstrap 3.0
.container-fluid .container
.row-fluid .row
.span* .col-md-*
.offset* .col-md-offset-*

Intense WordPress Plugin v1.6.0 to v1.6.1

Non Breaking Changes

There are a couple non-breaking changes to consider when upgrading. We have deprecated the following attributes:

  • [intense_promo_box button_type]: button_type has been replaced with the button_color attribute. It will continue to work but you are advised to change it from button_type to button_color. This change was made to better reflect the behavior of the attribute. This change also allows for unlimited color choices for the button.

    [intense_promo_box button_type="primary"  /]
    [intense_promo_box button_color="primary"  /]
  • [intense_blog/intense_portfolio/intense_custom_post timeline_order]: timeline_order has been replaced with the order attribute. It will continue to work but you are advised to change it from timeline_order to order

    [intense_custom_post template="timeline" infinite_scroll="1" timeline_order="asc" timeline_mode="dual" timeline_color="#e8e8e8" post_type="post" sticky_mode="top" /]
    [intense_custom_post template="timeline" infinite_scroll="1" order_by="author" order="asc" timeline_mode="dual" timeline_color="#e8e8e8" post_type="post" sticky_mode="top" /]  

Intense WordPress Plugin v1.4.0 to v1.5.0

Non Breaking Changes

A defect was discovered within the version of the Meta Box plugin (4.3.3) that Intense WordPress Plugin uses. There is already a patch for the bug but it hasn't been included in an official release of Meta Box. To resolve this issue, a custom build of the Meta Box plugin ( is included.

After upgrading to v1.5.0, you will be notified that your version of Meta Box is out of date. To upgrade to the custom build, disable Intense WordPress Plugin and any other plugins that require Meta Box. Deactivate and delete the Meta Box plugin. Activate Intense WordPress Plugin v1.5.0 and the custom build will automatically be installed and activated. Reactivate any other plugins that were previously deactivated.

An alternate approach would be to manually replace the contents of the Meta Box plugin with the contents from the custom build. The zip file for the custom build can be found within the plugin's files under 'inc/plugins/'.

If you are unaffected by this defect, you can continue to use Meta Box version 4.3.3. Those affected will notice problems switching from text and visual editor modes (see

Intense WordPress Plugin v1.2.1 to v1.3.0

Breaking Changes

There is one breaking change to consider when upgrading from v1.2.1 to v1.3.0. In v1.3.0 templates were introduced to allow for complete flexibility in the layout of a few shortcodes: [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio], [intense_custom_post], and [intense_person].

As part of this change, the timeline_layout shortcode attribute was removed from [intense_blog], [intense_portfolio], and [intense_custom_post]. This attribute was originally designed to allow you to layout the content of the timeline events and included these options: single, text_right, text_left. These layouts have become templates instead. The template equivalents for each of these options are:

  • single => timeline
  • text_right => timeline_text_right
  • text_left => timeline_text_left

If you used the timeline_layout attribute prior to v1.3.0, you will want to rename this attribute to template and use the template from the list above.


[intense_blog type="timeline" timeline_layout="text_left" timeline_mode="left" show_images="1" show_all="1" /]

[intense_blog template="timeline_text_left" timeline_mode="left" show_images="1" show_all="1" /]

Non Breaking Changes

There are a few non-breaking changes to consider when upgrading. We have deprecated the following attributes:

  • [intense_person imageposition]: imageposition has been replaced with the template attribute. It will continue to work but you are advised to change it from imageposition to template

    [intense_person imageid="5443" imageposition="left" size="square150" name="Nadia Osin" title="Vice President of Sales"facebook="#"]
    [intense_person imageid="5443" template="left" size="square150" name="Nadia Osin" title="Vice President of Sales" facebook="#"]
  • [intense_blog/intense_portfolio/intense_custom_post type]: type has been replaced with the template attribute. It will continue to work but you are advised to change it from type to template

    [intense_blog type="two_text" image_shadow="10" sticky_mode="inline" /]
    [intense_blog template="two_text" image_shadow="10" sticky_mode="inline" /]