


Adds an image gallery to the page. The images can come from several different sources (ex. WordPress, Flickr, Facebook, etc.) and be displayed in many different ways. Set up the photo sources in the theme options under Photo Sources. There are also several different options for lightboxes which are used to show off your pictures when clicked.






Colorbox (lightbox)


Magnific Popup (lightbox)


Prettyphoto (lightbox)


Touchtouch (lightbox)


Swipebox (lightbox)


Thickbox (lightbox)


PhotoSwipe (lightbox)







AttributeTypeDialog TitleDescriptionDefaultAvailable Values
typedropdownTypestandardcolorbox - Colorbox
magnificpopup - Magnific Popup
galleria - Galleria
photoswipe - PhotoSwipe
prettyphoto - PrettyPhoto
standard - Standard
supersized - Supersized
swipebox - Swipebox
thickbox - Thickbox
touchtouch - TouchTouch
show_animationanimationShow AnimationfadeInUpAttention Seekers - bounce, flash, pulse, shake, swing, tada, wiggle, wobble

Bouncing Entrances - bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInUpExpand

Bouncing Exits - bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp

Expand - expandDown, expandLeft, expandRight, expandUp

Fading Entrances - fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig

Fading Exits - fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig

Flippers - flip, flipInDownBackward, flipInDownForward, flipInLeftBackward, flipInLeftForward, flipInRightBackward, flipInRightForward, flipInUpBackward, flipInUpForward, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY

Lightspeed - lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut

Repeating - beating, blinking, floating, flyAway, gearTurn, pulsating, squishBounce, throbbing, tossing

Rotating Entrances - rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight

Rotating Exits - rotateDown, rotateLeft, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, rotateRight, rotateUp

Slide - slideDown, slideDownReturn, slideLeft, slideLeftReturn, slideRight, slideRightReturn, slideUp, slideUpReturn

Specials - bombLeftOut, bombRightOut, flyIn, flyOut, foolishIn, foolishOut, hinge, holeOut, magic, pileDrive, rollIn, rollOut, springUp

Static - openDownLeft, openDownLeftOut, openDownLeftReturn, openDownRight, openDownRightOut, openDownRightReturn, openUpLeft, openUpLeftOut, openUpLeftReturn, openUpRight, openUpRightOut, openUpRightReturn

Swinging - swingInDownBackward, swingInDownForward, swingInLeftBackward, swingInLeftForward, swingInRightBackward, swingInRightForward, swingInUpBackward, swingInUpForward

Tin - tinDownIn, tinDownOut, tinLeftIn, tinLeftOut, tinRightIn, tinRightOut, tinUpIn, tinUpOut

Zoom - puffIn, puffOut, swap, swashIn, swashOut, twisterInDown, twisterInUp, vanishIn, vanishOut, zoomInBounce, zoomInGrow, zoomInShrink

maximum_show_delaytextMaximum Show Delay600
supersized_positiondropdownSupersized Control PositionBottom LeftNone - None
Bottom Left - Bottom Left
Top Left - Top Left
groupingtextLightbox Groupoptional - allows for lightbox slideshows
border_radiusborder_radiusBorder Radius%, em, px - examples: 25% or 10em or 20px
layoutdropdownPredefined Layout -
square - Square
smallsquare - Small Square
circle - Circle
masonry - Masonry
sizeimage_sizeImage SizeFor non WordPress photo sources, the closest matching image size will be selected. This may or may not match depending on the photo source.
columnsdropdownColumns0 - Auto
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 10
marginpercenttextImage Marginprecent of margin space to show around the photos. Typically a 1% or less margin looks good.
guttertextMasonry Gutter10
masonry_item_widthtextMasonry Item Widthmeasured as a % or px amount25%
masonry_alternate_widthtextMasonry Item Alternate Widthmeasured as a % or px amount50%
alternate_sizeimage_sizeAlternate Image SizeFor non WordPress photo sources, the closest matching image size will be selected. This may or may not match depending on the photo source.
masonry_alternate_counttextMasonry Item Alternate Countalternate the width every given number of items10
sourcedropdownSourcewordpress500px - 500px
deviantart - DeviantART
facebook - Facebook
flickr - Flickr
instagram - Instagram
smugmug - SmugMug
wordpress - WordPress
zenfolio - Zenfolio
idtextPost ID10894
includegalleryIncluded IDsenter WordPress attachment IDs
excludegalleryExcluded IDsenter WordPress attachment IDs
idsdeprecateduse include/exclude instead
orderdropdownOrderNONENONE - None (order of included ids as they are entered)
ASC - Ascending
DESC - Descending
RAND - Random
orderbytextOrder By
facebookpagetextFacebook Page
pagesizetextPage Size# of photos to return25
pagetextResults Page0 is the first page
show_tooltipcheckboxShow Tooltip/PopoverShow tooltip/popover on hover11 = true, 0 = false
hover_effectdropdownHover Effect -
effeckt - Effeckt
adipoli - Adipoli
subtle - Subtle
starteffectdropdownStart Effect -
normal - normal
overlay - overlay
sliceDown - sliceDown
transparent - transparent
hovereffectdropdownHover Effect -
boxRain - boxRain
boxRainGrow - boxRainGrow
boxRainGrowReverse - boxRainGrowReverse
boxRainReverse - boxRainReverse
boxRandom - boxRandom
fold - fold
foldLeft - foldLeft
normal - normal
popout - popout
sliceDown - sliceDown
sliceDownLeft - sliceDownLeft
sliceUp - sliceUp
sliceUpDown - sliceUpDown
sliceUpDownLeft - sliceUpDownLeft
sliceUpLeft - sliceUpLeft
sliceUpRandom - sliceUpRandom
effecktdropdownEffeckt -
1 - Appear
2 - Quarter Slide Up
3 - Sqkwoosh
4 - Quarter Slide Side
5 - Cover Fade
6 - Quarter Fall In
7 - Quarter Two-Step
8 - Cover Push Right
9 - Quarter Caption Zoom
10 - Revolving Door
11 - Caption Offset
12 - Guillotine Reverse
13 - Half Slide
14 - Tunnel
15 - Cover Slide Top
effeckt_colorcolor_advancedBackground Color#000000option colors - primary, error, info, inverse, muted, success, warning, link

web color - hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, color name (see wikipedia web colors)
effeckt_opacitytextBackground Opacity0 - 10080
subtleeffectdropdownSubtle Effectlily - Lily
sadie - Sadie
honey - Honey
layla - Layla
zoe - Zoe
oscar - Oscar
marley - Marley
ruby - Ruby
roxy - Roxy
bubba - Bubba
romeo - Romeo
dexter - Dexter
sarah - Sarah
chico - Chico
milo - Milo

Photo Sources


To retrieve photos from 500px, authentication is required. It can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. Follow the instructions provided on the options page. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • user - the username used to log into 500px.
[intense_gallery source="500px" user="your username here" type="supersized" /]


Authentication is not required for deviantART. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • user - the deviantID which can be found on the profile page.
[intense_gallery source="deviantart" user="your deviantID here" type="supersized" page_size="10" /]


To retrieve photos from Facebook, authentication is required. It can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. Follow the instructions provided on the options page. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • album - the name of the Facebook album. This is the name that you gave the album when you created it.
  • facebookpage - the name of the Facebook page.
  • groupid - the id of the group. This can be found in the URL of the group. It is the last set of numbers ([group id here]/).
[intense_gallery source="facebook" columns="2" size="thumbnail" /]
[intense_gallery source="facebook" album="your album name here" pagesize="30" columns="2" size="thumbnail" /]
[intense_gallery source="facebook" facebookpage="your facebook page name here" pagesize="30" columns="2" size="thumbnail" /]
[intense_gallery source="facebook" facebookpage="your facebook page name here" album="your album name here" pagesize="30" columns="2" size="thumbnail" /]
[intense_gallery source="facebook" groupid="your group id here" pagesize="30" columns="2" size="square" type="supersized" /]


Authentication is not required for Flickr. At this time, only public photos are available. An API Key is required and can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • user - the Flickr screen name which can be found on the account page.
  • setid - the id of the set. This can be found in the URL of the set ([user]/sets/[your setid here]/)
  • groupid - the id of the Flickr group. This id is not readily available but can be found using Paste the URL of the group in the box and press find.
[intense_gallery source="flickr" size="small320" setid="your set id here" pagesize="5" /]
[intense_gallery columns="2" type="colorbox" grouping="5" size="small320" pagesize="2" page="5"  source="flickr" user="your screen name here"]
[intense_gallery source="flickr" size="small320" groupid="your groupid here" pagesize="5" /]


To retrieve photos from Instagram, authentication is required. It can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. Follow the instructions provided on the options page. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • user - the Instagram username.
  • tag - the Instagram tag.
[intense_gallery source="instagram" user="your username here" size="medium500" pagesize="100" type="supersized"]
[intense_gallery source="instagram" tag="any tag here" size="medium500" pagesize="100" type="supersized"]


Authentication is not required for SmugMug. An API Key is required and can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • user - the SmugMug username.
  • album - the name of the SmugMug gallery. It needs to match exactly what you entered.
[intense_gallery source="smugmug" user="your username" album="your album name" pagesize="100" columns="2" size="medium500" type="supersized" /]
[intense_gallery source="smugmug" user="your username" pagesize="100" columns="2" size="medium500" type="supersized" /]


Authentication is not required for Zenfolio. An App name is required and can be set up in the photo sources plugin options. The following shortcode attributes apply:

  • setid - the Zenfolio set id. This can be found in the URL of the set.
[intense_gallery size="medium800" columns="1" marginpercent=".2" type="colorbox" source="zenfolio" setid="your setid here" pagesize="25" shadow="3" /]


Supersized gallery type requires a theme that includes fullscreen-page-template support. See Theme Support.

Circle layout doesn't work in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier. It will show as square images instead.

Adipoli doesn't work in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier. It will show as regular images instead.

Thickbox has a bug in Internet Explorer 10 in which the image will extend slightly beyond the lightbox.


[intense_gallery columns="2" type="prettyphoto" grouping="4" size="small320" source="flickr" setid="1234567890" pagesize="4" user="johndoe"]
[intense_gallery columns="8" type="colorbox" grouping="3" size="square150" source="flickr" setid="1234567890" marginpercent="1" user="johndoe"]
[intense_gallery columns="8" marginpercent="1" size="square150" type="colorbox" grouping="colorbox" include="8321,8320,8319,8318,8317,8313,8312,8311,8310,8309,8308,8307,8306,8304,8303,8302,8301,8300,8299,8298,8297,8296,8295,8294,8293,8291,8290,8289,8205,8204,8203,8202,8201,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196,8197,8198" order="NONE" /]
[intense_gallery  size="medium800" type="galleria" include="8198,8205,8204,8203,8202,8201,8200,8199" order="NONE" /]
[intense_gallery columns="5" type="colorbox" grouping="7" layout="circle" include="8304,8303,8302,8301,8300,8299,8298,8297,8296,8295,8161,8182"]
[intense_gallery columns="7" type="colorbox" grouping="9" layout="squaresmall" include="8304,8303,8302,8301,8300,8299,8298,8297,8296,8295,8294,8293,8291,8290,8289,8205,8204,8203,8202,8201,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196,8197,8198,8199,8200,8171,8172,8173,8174,8098,8099,8175,8176,8100,8180,8181"]
[intense_gallery columns="6" type="colorbox" grouping="8" layout="square" size="square150" include="8199,8200,8171,8172,8173,8174,8098,8099,8175,8176,8100,8180,8181,8106,8161,8182"]
[intense_gallery  size="square400" columns="2" marginpercent="1" type="photoswipe" include="9739,9738,9737,9736" order="NONE" /]
[intense_gallery columns="2" type="prettyphoto" grouping="4" size="small320" include="8306,8304,8303,8302"]
[intense_gallery include="8098,8099,8175,8176,8100,8180,8181,8106,8161,8182" size="large2048" type="supersized"]
[intense_gallery columns="1" type="swipebox" grouping="6" effeckt="2" effeckt_color="#00aaaa" size="medium800" include="8295,8299,8293,8291"]
[intense_gallery type="thickbox" grouping="2" effeckt="5" size="small240" include="8289,8205,8204,8203,8202,8201,8192,8193,8194"]
[intense_gallery columns="3" type="touchtouch" size="medium500" effeckt="8" grouping="5" include="8201,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196"]