
Entering your production license information and activating Intense allows you to receive automatic updates.

Options Screenshot



Automatic Updates Turns on or off the automatic updates. For automatic updates to work, Intense needs to be activated first.
Envato Username The Envato username used to purchase Intense
Envato API Key The API key is obtained by visiting your Envato Account page, then clicking the My Settings tab. At the bottom of the page you'll find your account's API key.
Purchase Code You can find your purchase code by downloading the \"License certificate & purchase code\" for the product from your downloads page.
Email Enter an email you wish to associate with your activation.
First Name Enter the first name you wish to associate with your activation.
Last Name Enter the last name you wish to associate with your activation.
Activation After entering a username, api key, purchase code, email, first name, and last name an activation button will show. You will also be given a chance to subscribe to our email list for product updates. Afer activating, a deactivate button will show. If you want to use the purchase code on another site, you will need to deactivate your product code