


The sticky shortcode can be used to stick an element to the page as the user scrolls. Use it to stick a sidebar or other element to the page while scrolling.


AttributeTypeDialog TitleDescriptionDefaultAvailable Values
parenttextParentthe CSS selector of the parent to stick to. Defaults to the element's parent if left blank.
offsettextOffsetnumber of pixels to offset the element when it is sticky
zindextextz-indexthe z-index when sticky


[intense_row id="some-row"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6" small_size="12" extra_small_size="12"]
[intense_filler paragraphs="100"]
[intense_column size="6" medium_size="6" small_size="12" extra_small_size="12"]
[intense_sticky offset="200" parent="#some-row"]