


Adds a content box to the page. The content box can be customized in many different ways such as: background color, border, icon, layout, etc. You can choose to show the icon in several different locations: topcenter, topright, topleft, bottomcenter, bottomright, bottomleft, inside, insidetop, insidebottom.






AttributeTypeDialog TitleDescriptionDefaultAvailable Values
boxedcheckboxBoxed11 = true, 0 = false
backgroundcolor_advancedBackground Color#eeeeeeoption colors - primary, error, info, inverse, muted, success, warning, link

web color - hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, color name (see wikipedia web colors)
background_opacitytextBackground Opacity0 - 100: leave blank for solid color
linktextLinkwill show in the bottom right corner
link_targetlink_targetLink Target_self_blank, _self, _parent, _top
link_texttextLink Textdefault if a link is provided: Learn More >
iconiconIconasterisksee icon list in icon shortcode documentation
icon_colorcolor_advancedColor#fffoption colors - primary, error, info, inverse, muted, success, warning, link

web color - hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, color name (see wikipedia web colors)
icon_stack_typeiconStack Iconcirclesee icon list in icon shortcode documentation
icon_stack_colorcolor_advancedStack Icon Color#1a8be2option colors - primary, error, info, inverse, muted, success, warning, link

web color - hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, color name (see wikipedia web colors)
sizedropdownIcon Size31 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
custom_iconimageCustom IconWordPress ID or any URL
positiondropdownPositiontopcentertopcenter - Top Center
topright - Top Right
topleft - Top Left
bottomcenter - Bottom Center
bottomright - Bottom Right
bottomleft - Bottom Left
inside - Inside
insidetop - Inside Top
insidebottom - Inside Bottom
animationanimationIcon AnimationAttention Seekers - bounce, flash, pulse, shake, swing, tada, wiggle, wobble

Bouncing Entrances - bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInUpExpand

Bouncing Exits - bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp

Expand - expandDown, expandLeft, expandRight, expandUp

Fading Entrances - fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig

Fading Exits - fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig

Flippers - flip, flipInDownBackward, flipInDownForward, flipInLeftBackward, flipInLeftForward, flipInRightBackward, flipInRightForward, flipInUpBackward, flipInUpForward, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY

Lightspeed - lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut

Repeating - beating, blinking, floating, flyAway, gearTurn, pulsating, squishBounce, throbbing, tossing

Rotating Entrances - rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight

Rotating Exits - rotateDown, rotateLeft, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, rotateRight, rotateUp

Slide - slideDown, slideDownReturn, slideLeft, slideLeftReturn, slideRight, slideRightReturn, slideUp, slideUpReturn

Specials - bombLeftOut, bombRightOut, flyIn, flyOut, foolishIn, foolishOut, hinge, holeOut, magic, pileDrive, rollIn, rollOut, springUp

Static - openDownLeft, openDownLeftOut, openDownLeftReturn, openDownRight, openDownRightOut, openDownRightReturn, openUpLeft, openUpLeftOut, openUpLeftReturn, openUpRight, openUpRightOut, openUpRightReturn

Swinging - swingInDownBackward, swingInDownForward, swingInLeftBackward, swingInLeftForward, swingInRightBackward, swingInRightForward, swingInUpBackward, swingInUpForward

Tin - tinDownIn, tinDownOut, tinLeftIn, tinLeftOut, tinRightIn, tinRightOut, tinUpIn, tinUpOut

Zoom - puffIn, puffOut, swap, swashIn, swashOut, twisterInDown, twisterInUp, vanishIn, vanishOut, zoomInBounce, zoomInGrow, zoomInShrink

border_sizetextBorder Sizemeasured in pixels1px
border_colorcolor_advancedBorder Color#eeeeeeoption colors - primary, error, info, inverse, muted, success, warning, link

web color - hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, color name (see wikipedia web colors)
border_styleborder_styleBorder Stylesolid
border_radiusborder_radiusBorder Radius%, em, px - examples: 25% or 10em or 20px


[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="coffee" position="topleft" icon_stack_type="circle"
title="New Content Box
" link=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="heart" boxed="1" position="topcenter" icon_stack_type="heart" icon_stack_color="#ff6363" border_style="dashed" border_color="#333" title="New Content Box
" link=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="desktop" icon_stack_type="stop" position="topright" icon_stack_color="error" background="#ffffff" title="New Content Box
" link=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]

[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="coffee" boxed="0" position="bottomleft" icon_stack_type="circle" title="New Content Box"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="star" boxed="0" position="bottomcenter" icon_stack_type="sign-blank" icon_stack_color="warning" border_style="dashed" border_color="#333" title="New Content Box"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="4"]
[intense_content_box icon="desktop" boxed="0" icon_stack_type="stop" position="bottomright" icon_stack_color="error" background="#ffffff" title="New Content Box"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]

[intense_hr size="large" /]

[intense_column size="6"]
[intense_content_box icon="coffee" boxed="1" position="inside" icon_stack_type="circle" title="New Content Box"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="6"]
[intense_content_box icon="star" boxed="1" position="inside" icon_stack_type="sign-blank" icon_stack_color="warning" border_style="dashed" border_color="#333" title="New Content Box"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]

[intense_column size="6"]
[intense_content_box icon="coffee" boxed="0" position="inside" icon_stack_type="circle" title="New Content Box" link=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]
[intense_column size="6"]
[intense_content_box icon="star" boxed="0" position="inside" icon_stack_type="sign-blank" icon_stack_color="warning" border_style="dashed" border_color="#333" title="New Content Box" link=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis massa, convallis elit tincidunt et nunc. [/intense_content_box]